AI-Powered Tutoring and Tools

Your AI Academic Assistant

Welcome to Laiceum, your comprehensive hub for all your educational needs. Unlock Your Learning Potential with AI: Expert Personalized tutoring, Smart Planning, realtime feedback and Precision Proofreading All in One Place

Discover a Smarter Path to Learning. 

Tutoring Assistant

An AI assistant that helps students by answering academic questions and providing thorough explanations, ensuring a deeper understanding of the subject matter. With its friendly and informative guidance, you can confidently conquer your studies.

Proofreading Assistant

Submit your essays, papers, or documents, and the AI will meticulously proofread and correct grammar and syntax errors. With its help, your writing will be polished and error-free, leaving a lasting impression.

Planning Assistant

Meet your personal time management assistant. An AI that streamlines your daily tasks and commitments, creating a well-optimized schedule that maximizes productivity while leaving room for relaxation. Say goodbye to stress and hello to efficient planning.

Real-time feedback

Our solution will give realtime feedback on 24/7 basis by predicting student performance, identify at-risk students, and provide personalized interventions that can help them improve.

Research & background summary


Students Don’t have access to Tutors or Academic Assistance


According to the latest data from the National Center for Education Statistics’ School Pulse Survey, only about 1 in 10 students actually gets high-dosage tutoring. High-dosage tutoring is defined as including at least 30-minute sessions three or more times a week, and involving trained educators working one-on-one or in very small groups.

Unlock the academic potential of every student

From our Tutoring Bot, which offers expert guidance and clarification on challenging subjects, to our Planner Bot, which helps students manage their time and tasks efficiently, and our Editor Bot, which elevates the quality of their written work — we’re here to support and empower students throughout their educational journey. Our mission is to make learning accessible, enjoyable, and ultimately, a path to success for every student.

Ready to use Laiceum?

Take the Next Step in Your Educational Journey. Contact Us Today to Discover How Our Innovative Solutions Can Empower Your Learning Experience. Let’s Collaborate and Customize a Solution that Meets Your Institution’s Needs. Embrace the Future of Education with Personalized Support and Unleash the Full Potential of Your Students.